592 Hefei Road, No.31, Huangpu District, Shanghai


Q.Jing Studio is a graphic design studio based in Shanghai.

With the blurring of identity and the disappearance of geographical boundaries, we pay more attention to the visual language itself. The humorous, unique, and random daily details are our creative motivation and language. 

Q.Jing Studio 是一个位于上海的平面视觉设计工作室。



Qian Jing

Graphic designer, Founder of UFD, Founder of MEW

After graduating from the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou in 2004, she continued her studies getting a Master of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Design at the College of Fine Arts in Toulouse, France. Between 2006 to 2007, she attended the University of Bauhaus (option art) within the Erasmus European exchange program. In 2009, she worked as the assistant for the Art & Technical Director of “French Pavilion” organizing the exhibition for the 2010 Shanghai Universal Exposition. 

In 2011, she worked as the assistant Art director for the French Pavilion at the Yeosu International Exhibition in Korea. Since 2012, her focus has been on culture, art, and fashion.

Qian Jing has been collaborating with many other artists, festivals, museums, and fashion brands, such as IKEA, Centre Pompidou, the Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai Pearl Art Museum, and Louis Vuitton. 

QIAN Jing is constantly looking for a visual language that can convey her own personality between the two cultures, education, and living environment of the East and the West.

QIAN Jing created the “MEW Rug” handmade rug brand in 2016, hoping to use contemporary graphic language to integrate traditional handmade crafts to create new functionality with attention to the environment and a more interesting, unexpected, and experimental way.


平面设计师, MEW磨叽创始人

2004年毕业于中国美术学院视觉设计系,之后前往法国就读于法国图鲁兹高等艺术学院,获视觉设计系硕士学位,并于2006年在德国包豪斯高等艺术学院造型艺术系做为期半年的交流学习。2009年任上海世博会法国馆艺术及技术总监助理、2011年任韩国丽水世界博览会法国馆艺术总监助理。自2012年,专注于平面设计的文化、艺术以及时尚领域,并和众多巴黎及上海的艺术家,画廊,艺术节,美术馆以及商业品牌进行平面视觉设计的合作,包括宜家、法国蓬皮杜美术馆、上海民生美术馆、明珠美术馆、Louis Vuitton、法国驻中国大使馆、现代传媒等等。 钱菁在东西两种文化教育及生活环境之间不断的寻找着能够传达自身个性的视觉语言。
